Tailwind CSS Pricing Tables - Flowbite
Get started with a collection of responsive pricing sections to show the pricing plan to your potential customers based on multiple sizes, styles, and layouts.
Default pricing cards#
Use this example of three pricing cards showcasing the pricing plan title, description, feature list, and CTA button.
Tabs selector pricing cards#
Use this advanced example to show the pricing plan based on which tab is being activated by the website visitor based on the Tabs component from the Flowbite library.
Horizontal pricing card#
Get started with this horizontally aligned pricing card with a large list of feature items and a CTA button on the right side.
Feature list description with pricing card#
Use this example to show a more detailed description of features next to the pricing card from the right side.
Comparison table#
Use this example of pricing cards to also show a comparison table when clicking on the toggle link.
Highlighted pricing plan#
Use this example to highlight the most popular or feature pricing plan and increase the conversion rate for your potential customers.
Pricing plan with toggle switch#
Use this example to switch the pricing plan based on a monthly or yearly plan based on the toggle switch component from the Flowbite library.